I'm on nights for the moment from Monday-Thursday so lack of updates at present :)
Working hard to save the world :)
The medical registrar likes to make fun of me and say I should get an award for being employee of the month. LOL :)
Truth be told, I'm just a clerking machine, or a glorified house officer.
I met a new friend recently, and he suggested that I join the Oxford Half Marathon on 14th of October.
I am not sure if I will survive the marathon to be honest. I'd probably be dead by the end of it. I haven't got very much stamina. When I run, I get short of breath easily and have to stop. One thing I like about running, is the adrenaline rush you get after a run, and that feeling of warmth and sweet smell of fresh sweat- haha this sentence almost feels like a bit of an oxymoron. I haven't been exercising much in the last few days, firstly as I haven't been sleeping that well in the day time, most of the time managing about 5-6 hours and secondly I think I am coming down with the cold again :( I feel slightly under the weather!
Okay two more nights to go! Hope I survive it, and then off for the weekend! :)
Have a great week ahead everyone :)
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